
“My work is a farrago of my quotidian musings about strange conversations, music and copious amounts of love for gooey-ness.”- Tanya Singh

Tanya Singh, is freelance visual artist currently based in Delhi, who likes to make cheeky comics, mushy zines, murals and drawings.

What got you started as a designer in the first place? What’s your favorite art form? For how long have you been designing, creating art?
I was brought up by creative people, my architect father and my mother, a conscious aesthete. Therefore, the inclination towards art and design was engrained. I took elective art in school and have been creating art since my teenage years.. Posters of my favourite bands, caricatures, still life, etc. My favourite art form is of course, drawing. Drawing on any surface. 

How do you deal with ‘creative block’?  

Creative block can be painful but also really fun. I try to accept my creative block by not having any expectations from myself while I try to make. Instead of working on the same thing, I give myself a break and feed the mind with music, videos, reading interviews of people who inspire me and trying out new things that may provide me with fresh experiences. 

From conceptualizing to creating final art pieces, what goes behind the scenes? Can you describe what’s your process like?

My work is a farrago of my quotidian musings about strange conversations, music and copious amounts of love for gooey-ness.
I draw, scan and then colour digitally. 

What are your interests besides designing and creating art?
Singing jazz and the blues, listening to a variety of music and being Beyonce behind closed doors.

What would you prefer if you were to pick one – exhibiting your work at an offline event or posting it online?
I would love to exhibit my work at an offline event. It’s a more enriching experience and also a challenge for me.

What kind of art projects do you like to pursue? If given an opportunity to start something of your own (an enterprise, institute, organization), what would you like to start?
I like to pursue projects which combine my musical and aesthetic tastes. If given an opportunity to start something of my own, I’m not sure what I would do.. It daunts me to think of the bigger picture and I’m taking it one step at a time.

All images by Tanya Singh.

2 thoughts on ““My work is a farrago of my quotidian musings about strange conversations, music and copious amounts of love for gooey-ness.”- Tanya Singh

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