“Made this photograph about a year ago at the backwaters of the famous Dal lake in Kashmir. It was a cold winter morning and everything was calm and placid. I observed this boatman from a distance as it rowed towards me gradually through the still waters of the Dal. I waited for him to come closer and took the picture.”
Vishal is an illustrator, animator. “Growing up consuming all kinds of sci fi and fantasy media, I work with ideas of creating a living, breathing characters , surrounded by a world which is as dynamic as its inhabitants, and interacts with the audience as to make them feel like a part of the same.”
Vishaka is a visual art and design student based in New Delhi. “I love to experiment with different mediums to give structure to my ideas.”
sonoma_sonora_traiRandi is a photographer from Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA. “You know you are on The Other Side of Nowhere when you arrive by Pony Express. Over the weekend I spent some time with the last Basque sheepherder in Nevada, Hank Vogler. He has herded sheep in central Nevada for 35 years.”
Bharat is a visual artist living in Hyderabad, studying medicine and taking pictures to his heart's content. “Art for me is a source of escape and it helps me cope up with my anxiety. I'm really into abstract art and I want my photographs to give the viewer a sense of euphoria and weighlessnes in their conscience.”
A designer and visual artist based out of New Delhi, India. “This artwork is part of a hit and trial series with the color red appreciating both graphics and fashion being merged together. For me illustrator and photoshop are salt and pepper, both have their own importance and I love it when both are reflected in a piece as well. Long way to go.”
Ratan is a visual artistcurrently from Punjab, India. “This artwork "Spooky Season" was my attempt of trying to inculcate the horrors which have been there in the current year of 2020, as well as trying to bring it to the Halloween theme October.
Ashita, is based in Bhopal, India. “Hope for me is being able to go out, be in crowds, without any paranoia of rubbing off some hasty stranger walking by or being in contact. The world is full of people, and each one, full of stories. I HOPE to see the OLD NORMAL again.“
Samane is a visual artist based out of Iran. “What makes me draw something is the combination of light and shadow in a place or a model. In most of my works, I concentrate on the shape of shadows, highlights, and mid-tones and I believe these shapes are creating an image, so by drawing these shapes properly.
Nandini is a young doodle artist, digital creator and illustrator from the beautiful city of Jaipur, currently based in Delhi in pursuit of her graduation in English Literature. Nandini’s art is like refreshment served on platter of hope and contentment.